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Item number: Cay29802-1

CAY10744 is a topoisomerase II-alpha poison. It inhibits topoisomerase II-alpha by 78.9% when used at a concentration of 20 µM. CAY10744 is selective for topoisomerase II-alpha over topoisomerase I providing 100 and 0% inhibition, respectively, at 100 µM. It inhibits proliferation of HCT15 colon, T47D breast, DU145...
Keywords: 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5H-indeno[1,2-b]pyridin-6-ol
Application: Topoisomerase II-alpha inhibitor
CAS 2375613-31-1
MW: 385.8 D
From 77.00€ *