1 products were found matching "102762-20-9"!

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Dipyanone (hydrochloride)
Dipyanone (hydrochloride)

Item number: Cay33720-1

Dipyanone (hydrochloride) (Cay-33720) is an analytical reference standard that is structurally similar to known opioids. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name: 4,4-diphenyl-6-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-3-heptanone, monohydrochloride. CAS Number: 102762-20-9. Molecular Formula: C23H29NO ....
Keywords: N-pyrrolidino Methadone, 4,4-diphenyl-6-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-3-heptanone, monohydrochloride
Application: Analytical reference standard, Structurally similar to known opioids
CAS 102762-20-9
MW: 372 D
310.00€ *