DiMPro™ Full-length Transmembrane Proteins from DIMA Biotechnology

Despite their importance, the production of functional proteins for drug discovery is a challenge, especially for multi-transmembrane proteins. DIMA Biotechnology's DiMPro™ transmembrane proteins are produced as soluble protein products with native conformation and activity. In this blog article, you will learn more about the different platforms DIMA has developed to produce these full-length membrane proteins.
Mass spectrometry is an extremely versatile and at the same time very powerful analytical method that is used in many different areas. MS allows the mass of ions, atoms or molecules to be measured, enabling substances to be clearly identified. Cayman Chemical provides you with a broad selection of high-quality analysis kits and standards for a wide variety of MS applications.
With the new Naveni® kits for BOND RX/RXm, our partner Navinci Diagnostics has introduced the first-ever commercially available proximity ligation assays with a fully automated workflow. The kits enable seamless integration of chromogenic readout automation on Leica Biosystems' fully automated research stainer BOND RX/RXm.
InVivoKines™ are a new generation of fusion proteins with improved activity and stability for your in vivo research! They enable scientists to delve deeper into the complex world of cytokines in living organisms, gaining new insights and opening doors to effective therapies. Learn more about the technology behind InVivoKines™ and get an overview of the different product types and their applications.

Lab goes Green: Get your Lab Ready for the Future!

In terms of sustainability, there is an urgent need to catch up in research and development. How can you make your contribution and make your work in the lab more environmentally friendly? We give you a range of tips and tricks on the subject of sustainability in the laboratory. Be inspired, consciously act more sustainably and make your lab greener!

Research Donors at Biomol – Right Donor, Right Sample, Right Time

You already know the British company Research Donors as our partner and supplier of high-quality human blood products. But do you also know all the services they offer that allow you to customize the blood products according to your wishes? In this article, you will discover the extensive range of customization options offered by Research Donors.

ProNet Biotech: Big Research with Small Yeasts

Our new manufacturer ProNet Biotech has recognized the great potential of yeast and has dedicated itself to supporting and strengthening yeast technology with innovative products. Biomol is very pleased to make yeast available as a valuable research tool for scientists through the collaboration with ProNet Biotech!

CAR-T Cells: The Pioneers of Immunotherapy

Due to the enormous potential, research with and on CAR-T cells is gaining momentum. In this article, we dive into the basics and latest developments to give you a comprehensive insight into CAR-T research. Find out how CAR-T cells are opening up new horizons in medicine with their important role in immunotherapy. With BPS Bioscience as our trusted supplier, we are here to support you with the latest tools to drive the future of CAR-T research.

Cheers, Ladies: Women in Science

No country in the world has yet achieved gender equality and, particularly in science, the representation of women is still low. On International Women's Day 2024, we take a look at the ongoing struggle of female researchers for recognition and the achievements of some outstanding female scientists.
Find out more about the new platform of functionalized, buoyant microbubbles from our partner Akadeum Life Sciences, that enables easy, buoyancy-driven isolation of cells. Akadeum's floating solutions overcome the disadvantages of other technologies that limit your progress or productivity - using science so simple, it floats!

"Big RNA Data" with Alithea Genomics

Alithea Genomics has developed an innovative RNA sequencing technology that makes generating RNA data accessible, fast and cost-effective for everyone. Such data can help to identify new diseases, determine biomarkers for clinical indications and develop effective therapies.

Our new Molecular Biology Expert: NZYtech

Biomol equips researchers with high-quality life science products from our specialized manufacturers - including the field of molecular biology, of course! Our new partner NZYtech is an expert in molecular biology solutions and is therefore a valuable addition to our portfolio.
Tags: Assay Kits, DNA, mRNA, PCR, qPCR
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