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DiMPro™ Full-length Transmembrane Proteins from DIMA Biotechnology

Despite their importance, the production of functional proteins for drug discovery is a challenge, especially for multi-transmembrane proteins. DIMA Biotechnology's DiMPro™ transmembrane proteins are produced as soluble protein products with native conformation and activity. In this blog article, you will learn more about the different platforms DIMA has developed to produce these full-length membrane proteins.
InVivoKines™ are a new generation of fusion proteins with improved activity and stability for your in vivo research! They enable scientists to delve deeper into the complex world of cytokines in living organisms, gaining new insights and opening doors to effective therapies. Learn more about the technology behind InVivoKines™ and get an overview of the different product types and their applications.

Inflammasomes - "Ignition Agents" of the Immune System

Inflammasomes are multi-protein complexes whose activity has been implicated in physiological and pathological inflammation. The hallmarks of inflammasome activation are the maturation of the cytokines IL-1β and IL-18, and the processing of gasdermin D to mediate cytokine release and pyroptosis from cells of the innate immune system.

ADAR1: Editor-in-Chief of Innate Immunity

A key player in so-called RNA editing is the protein ADAR1 ("adenosine deaminase acting on RNA"), an RNA-specific adenosine deaminase that catalyzes the conversion of adenosine nucleoside building blocks to inosine. Mutations in the adar1 gene are associated with a variety of diseases, so the protein may be a promising target for various therapies.

How Epigenetic Changes control our Genes

"Green tea helps against cancer!" - It has been known for some time that green tea is so healthy that it even improves cancer statistics in Japan. But why is that? The answer to this question could only be found through epigenetics, a field of research that deals with the influence of the environment on our genes.
Genes, proteins and chemicals often have rather complicated, meaningless names. However, some names deviate from the standardized nomenclature. But what exactly is behind molecules with names like Yoda or Spock? What are they used for in research? And how did they get their unusual names? Here's a list of the top 10 biomol products with the funniest names - and what's behind them!