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Artikelnummer: Cay35145-1

Harmalol (Cay-35145) is an analytical reference standard categorized as a beta-carboline alkaloid. Harmalol is an active metabolite of harmaline (Cay-10995). It is a minor component of ayahuasca, a botanical mixture that has hallucinogenic properties. This product is intended for research and forensic...
Schlagworte: 11-hydroxy Harmalan, Harmidol, NSC 72293, 4,9-dihydro-1-methyl-3H-pyrido[3,4-b]indol-7-ol
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, Beta-carboline alkaloid, Act. harmaline metabolite, Ayahuasca component
CAS 525-57-5
MW: 200.2 D
ab 98,00 €