Produkte von Ancell


Ancell mit Sitz in Bayport, Minnesota, USA, produziert und liefert monoklonale Antikörper, rekombinante Fusionsproteine, Isotyp-Kontrollen und Second-Step-Reagenzien für die immunologische Forschung. Die hohen Leistungsmerkmale und die Qualität machen die Antikörper und Proteine von Ancell zu weithin anerkannten Reagenzien, die in vielen wissenschaftlichen Publikationen verwendet und zitiert werden. Ancells umfangreiches Angebot an humanen CD-Antikörpern wird von seinem erfahrenen internen Entwicklungsteam hergestellt. Die Produkte werden unter optimierten Bedingungen gereinigt und konjugiert und in Zelllinien und humanen Proben rigoros getestet. Die meisten der Antikörper sind unterschiedlich markiert, um in verschiedenen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden zu können, darunter Durchflusszytometrie, Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenz. Ancell bietet auch eine breite Palette markierter und unmarkierter biologisch aktiver rekombinanter Fusionsproteine (FC) an, die die CD-Marker-Antikörperpalette ergänzen.

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Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1,  Biotin conjugated
Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1, Biotin conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-101-030

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Schlagworte: Anti-TRBC1, Anti-T-cell receptor beta-1 chain C region
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
607,00 €
Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1,  FITC conjugated
Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-101-040

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Schlagworte: Anti-TRBC1, Anti-T-cell receptor beta-1 chain C region
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
607,00 €
Anti-CD28 (human), clone ANC28.1/5D10
Anti-CD28 (human), clone ANC28.1/5D10

Artikelnummer: ANC-177-020

Human CD28 is an important costimulatory molecule found on all CD4 T cells and on about half of the CD8 T cells. T cell activities attributed to CD28 include prevention of anergy, induction of cytokine gene transcription, stabilization of cytokine mRNA and activation of CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The ligands for...
Schlagworte: Anti-TP44, Anti-CD28, Anti-T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein CD28
Anwendung: FC, ELISA
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
351,00 €
Anti-Perforin (human), clone deltaG9,  FITC conjugated
Anti-Perforin (human), clone deltaG9, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-358-040

Human perforin (cytolysin) is believed to be one of the major effector molecules used by cytotoxic T cells and NK cells to mediate targeted cell lysis. Perforin expression is constitutive on NK cells, but increases in resting CD8 cytotoxic cells upon activation.
Schlagworte: Anti-P1, Anti-PFP, Anti-PRF1, Anti-Cytolysin, Anti-Perforin-1, Anti-Lymphocyte pore-forming protein
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, monkey
415,00 €
Anti-CD106 (human), clone 1.G11B1,  preservative free
Anti-CD106 (human), clone 1.G11B1, preservative free

Artikelnummer: ANC-327-820

Human CD106 is an endothelial adhesion molecule that binds to alpha 4 beta 1 and alpha 4 beta 7 integrins (VLA-4) and promotes adhesion of lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. CD106 is also found on follicular dendritic cells, interdigitating recticulum cells and Kupffer cells.
Schlagworte: Anti-CD106, Anti-VCAM1, Anti-L1CAM, Anti-VCAM-1, Anti-V-CAM 1, Anti-INCAM-100, Anti-Vascular cell adhesion protein 1
Anwendung: FC, WB, ELISA, IHC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, Pig
256,00 €
Anti-CD25 (human), clone 7G7B6,  FITC conjugated
Anti-CD25 (human), clone 7G7B6, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-174-040

Expression of human CD25 (the alpha subunit of the IL-2 receptor complex) is dramatically upregulated on activated T cells, B cells, NK cells and macrophages. Antibodies to CD25 are being studied for potential use as an immunodirected therapy to selectively attack (kill) CD25 expressing cells.
Schlagworte: Anti-p55, Anti-CD25, Anti-IL2RA, Anti-IL2-RA, Anti-IL-2-RA, Anti-TAC antigen, Anti-IL-2R subunit alpha, Anti-IL-2 receptor...
Anwendung: FC, IHC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
301,00 €
Anti-CD105 (human), clone SN6,  FITC conjugated
Anti-CD105 (human), clone SN6, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-326-040

Human CD105 (endoglin) is a homodimeric membrane glycoprotein virtually restricted to endothelial cells and present on some leukemia cells and minor subsets of bone marrow cells. CD105 binds to TGF-beta1 and beta3 with high affinity.
Schlagworte: Anti-END, Anti-ENG, Anti-CD105, Anti-Endoglin
Anwendung: FC, IHC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
301,00 €
Anti-CD74 (human), clone M-B741,  R-PE conjugated
Anti-CD74 (human), clone M-B741, R-PE conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-226-050

Human CD74 is expressed intracellularly and on the cell surface of MHC Class II positive cells such as B cells, monocytes, macrophages, Langerhans cells and dendritic cells. CD74 has several important functions relating to antigen presentation by MHC Class II molecules.
Schlagworte: Anti-Ii, Anti-p33, Anti-CD74, Anti-DHLAG, Anti-Ia antigen-associated invariant chain, Anti-HLA-DR antigens-associated...
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
383,00 €
Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3
Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3

Artikelnummer: ANC-102-020

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
320,00 €
CD40 -muIg Fusion Protein, (human), preservative free
CD40 -muIg Fusion Protein, (human), preservative free

Artikelnummer: ANC-504-820

Human CD40 is a member of the TNF receptor family and is present on all B cells except plasma cells. CD40 is also found on some epithelial cells, carcinomas and lymphoid dendritic cells. CD40 plays an important role in B cell activation and the interaction with its ligand CD154 (CD40 ligand) is essential for isotype...
Schlagworte: CD40, Bp50, CDw40, CD40L receptor, B-cell surface antigen CD40, Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 5
Anwendung: FC, ELISA
Exprimiert in: Hamster cells
Ursprungsart: human
652,00 €
Anti-CD278 [ICOS] (human), clone ANC6C6
Anti-CD278 [ICOS] (human), clone ANC6C6

Artikelnummer: ANC-265-020

The inducible costimulator CD278 (ICOS) is similar to human CD28 (24% homology) and plays an analogous role in the T cell activation process. Secondary signaling through CD28 or CD278 results in discrete cytokine secretion profiles by the activated T cells. CD275 (ICOSL, GL50, B7-H2) has been shown to be the ligand...
Schlagworte: Anti-ICOS, Anti-AILIM, Anti-CD278, Anti-Inducible T-cell costimulator, Anti-Activation-inducible lymphocyte...
Anwendung: FC, ELISA
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
301,00 €
Anti-CD4 (human), clone QS4120
Anti-CD4 (human), clone QS4120

Artikelnummer: ANC-147-020

Human CD4 is a cell surface glycoprotein of 55kDa expressed on most thymocytes, on about two thirds of peripheral T cells and on some monocyte macrophage lineage cells. CD4 interacts with MHC Class II molecules in an accessory role during foreign antigen recognition by T cells. The extracellular portion of CD4 is an...
Schlagworte: Anti-CD4, Anti-T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4, Anti-T-cell surface antigen T4/Leu-3
Anwendung: FC, ELISA, FA (Blocking)
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
256,00 €
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