
Detergenzien sind amphiphile, organische Chemikalien. Diese auch Tenside genannten Substanzen besitzen einen lipophilen Schwanz und einen hydrophilen Kopf. Detergenzien wie Triton X-100 formen Interphasen zwischen hydrophilen und hydrophoben Stoffen. Dies ermöglicht das Lösen der hydrophoben Moleküle in Wasser und somit die Waschaktivität. In der Forschung werden Detergenzien beispielsweise für die Lyse von Zellen, die Isolation von schwerlöslichen Proteinen (z.B. Transmembranrezeptoren) und die Membranpermeabilisation verwendet. Hier finden Sie ein großes Angebot von nicht-ionischen, kationischen, anionischen und zwitterionischen Detergenzien.

Detergenzien sind amphiphile, organische Chemikalien. Diese auch Tenside genannten Substanzen besitzen einen lipophilen Schwanz und einen hydrophilen Kopf. Detergenzien wie Triton X-100 formen... mehr erfahren »
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Detergenzien sind amphiphile, organische Chemikalien. Diese auch Tenside genannten Substanzen besitzen einen lipophilen Schwanz und einen hydrophilen Kopf. Detergenzien wie Triton X-100 formen Interphasen zwischen hydrophilen und hydrophoben Stoffen. Dies ermöglicht das Lösen der hydrophoben Moleküle in Wasser und somit die Waschaktivität. In der Forschung werden Detergenzien beispielsweise für die Lyse von Zellen, die Isolation von schwerlöslichen Proteinen (z.B. Transmembranrezeptoren) und die Membranpermeabilisation verwendet. Hier finden Sie ein großes Angebot von nicht-ionischen, kationischen, anionischen und zwitterionischen Detergenzien.

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Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), pure
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), pure

Artikelnummer: 04051.1

SDS is commonly used in the preparation of proteins for electrophoresis in SDS-PAGE. This compound works by disrupting non-covalent bonds in proteins, denaturing them and causing the proteins to lose their natural conformation. The new negative charge is significantly larger than the original charge of that protein....
Anwendung: Anionic detergent
CAS 151-21-3
MW: 288.38
133,00 €
CHAPS, ultra pure
CHAPS, ultra pure

Artikelnummer: 50058.5

Purity: > 99% (HPLC). Combines features of bile salts and N-alkyl sulfobetaines. Suitable for membrane receptor solubilization.
Anwendung: Zwitterionic detergent
CAS 75621-03-3
MW: 614.90
ab 120,00 €
CHAPSO, pure
CHAPSO, pure

Artikelnummer: 50792.5

Purity: >98% (HPLC). Suitable for membrane receptor solubilization.
Anwendung: Zwitterionic detergent
CAS 82473-24-3
MW: 630.87
386,00 €
Pluronic F-127 *Cell culture tested *
Pluronic F-127 *Cell culture tested *

Artikelnummer: ABD-20050

Pluronic F-127 is a nonionic surfactant that is 100% active and relatively non-toxic to cells, and frequently used with dye AM esters to improve their water solubility. It is soluble at low temperature, but gels at room temperature.
Anwendung: Nonionic surfactant
CAS 9003-11-6
108,00 €
RNase-X Decontamination Solution
RNase-X Decontamination Solution

Artikelnummer: BOT-22028

RNase-X Decontamination Solution effectively removes RNase and other contaminants from working surfaces and instruments. Ideal for use with RNA purification, quantitation and amplification reactions. Performs as well as RNAseZap and other decontamination reagents.
Schlagworte: RNase, RNA, decontamination
103,00 €
Biotin-16-UTP, 10 mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl Buffer
Biotin-16-UTP, 10 mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl Buffer

Artikelnummer: BOT-40023

Biotin-16-UTP (Biotin-16-uridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA.10 mM solution in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer,Store at -20°C,C32H48N7O19P3Sli4,MW: 987.51,
372,00 €
5-Bromo-2'-Deoxyuridine (BrdU)
5-Bromo-2'-Deoxyuridine (BrdU)

Artikelnummer: BOT-40024

BrdU (5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine) can be incorporated into DNA during cell division and subsequently detected by a BrdU antibody. The probe can be used to study cell-cycle kinetics.White solid soluble in DMSO,Store at -20°C,C9H11BrN2O5,MW: 307.10,[59-14-3],
99,00 €
5-Bromo-2'-Deoxyuridine-5'-Triphosphate (5-Bromo-dUTP), 10 mM in TE buffer
5-Bromo-2'-Deoxyuridine-5'-Triphosphate (5-Bromo-dUTP),...

Artikelnummer: BOT-40025

5-Bromo-dUTP (5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate) is widely used in TUNEL assay to detect apoptotic cells, and it is also a good substrate for reverse transcriptase.10 mM solution in TE buffer,Store at -20°C,C9H11BrN2Na3O14P3,MW: 612.99,
166,00 €
5-Bromouridine-5'-Triphosphate (5-BrUTP), 10 mM in TE Buffer
5-Bromouridine-5'-Triphosphate (5-BrUTP), 10 mM in TE Buffer

Artikelnummer: BOT-40026

BrUTP (5-Bromouridine-5'-triphosphate) can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA and detected with anti-BrdU antibodies.10 mM solution in TE buffer,Store at -20°C,C9H11BrN2Na3O15P3,MW: 628.98,
166,00 €
Biotin-20-dUTP, 1 mM In Ph 7.5 Tris-HCl
Biotin-20-dUTP, 1 mM In Ph 7.5 Tris-HCl

Artikelnummer: BOT-40030

This product is similar to biotin-11-dUTP and biotin-16-dUTP except that it has a longer and water-soluble spacer group, which should facilitate interaction between the biotin group and avidin or streptavidin.1 mM solution in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer,Store at -20°C,C33H51N6O21P3SLi4,MW: 1020.54, Biotin-20-dUTP is also...
482,00 €
CF(R)555-ddCTP, Lyophilized Powder
CF(R)555-ddCTP, Lyophilized Powder

Artikelnummer: BOT-40031

CF(R)555-ddCTP can be used as 3'-end chain terminator in Sanger sequencing. CF(R)555 has superior brightness compared to Cy(R)3, comparable to Alexa Fluor(R) 555. Supplied in lyophilized form. Cy dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare, Alexa Fluor is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific.
621,00 €
CF(R)640R-UTP, Lyophilized Powder
CF(R)640R-UTP, Lyophilized Powder

Artikelnummer: BOT-40032

CF(R)640R-UTP can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA probes for use in many biological applications. Far-red fluorescent CF(R)640R is spectrally similar to Alexa Fluor(R) 647, but is much more photostable. Alexa Fluor(R) is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific.
600,00 €
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