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Expression Negative Control Lentivirus (Inducible TET On(TM))
Expression Negative Control Lentivirus (Inducible TET...

Artikelnummer: BPS-82290

Expression Negative Control Lentivirus (Inducible Tet On(TM)) are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles ready to transduce nearly all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These viral particles do not express any specific protein under a tight TRE...
Anwendung: Negative-control cell pool/stable cell line generation following G418 selection
1.101,00 €
Membrane eGFP Lentivirus
Membrane eGFP Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82324

Membrane eGFP Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein), with a plasma membrane-targeting...
Schlagworte: GFP, Green fluorescent protein,
Anwendung: Plasma membrane labelling, membrane eGFP express. cell pool/stable cell line gener., puromycin slctn
1.245,00 €
Mitochondrial eGFP Lentivirus
Mitochondrial eGFP Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82325

Mitochondrial eGFP Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein), with a mitochondrial targeting...
Schlagworte: GFP, Green fluorescent protein,
Anwendung: Mitochondrial labelling, mitoch. eGFP express. cell pool/stable cell line generation, puromycin slctn
1.245,00 €
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) eGFP Lentivirus
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) eGFP Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82326

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) eGFP Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein), with an ER-targeting...
Schlagworte: GFP, Green fluorescent protein,
Anwendung: Endoplasmic Reticulum labelling, ER eGFP express. cell pool/stable cell line gener., puromycin slctn
1.245,00 €
eGFP Beta-Actin Lentivirus
eGFP Beta-Actin Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82327

EGFP Beta-Actin Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain eGFP and beta-actin (NM_001101.5) (eGFP-Linker-beta-actin) driven by an EF1A...
Schlagworte: ACTB,
Anwendung: Cytoskeleton labelling, eGFP Beta-actin express. cell pool/stable cell line gener., puromycin slctn
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.245,00 €
eGFP-Tubulin Lentivirus
eGFP-Tubulin Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82328

eGFP-Tubulin Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain eGFP and alpha-tubulin (eGFP-linker-alpha-tubulin) driven by an EF1A promoter. The...
Schlagworte: TUBA1, TUBA4A, Alpha-tubulin 1, Tubulin H2-alpha, Tubulin alpha-1 chain, Tubulin alpha-4A chain, Testis-specific...
Anwendung: Microtubule labelling, eGFP-tubulin express. cell pool/stable cell line gener., puromycin slctn
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.245,00 €
Nuclear mCherry Lentivirus
Nuclear mCherry Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82334

Nuclear mCherry Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain a nuclear mCherry, with nuclear localization sequences (NLS) at both the N- and...
Schlagworte: DsRed, Red fluorescent protein drFP583,
Anwendung: Nuclear labelling, Nuclear mCherry express. cell pool/stable cell line gener., puromycin slctn
Spezies-Reaktivität: sea anemone
1.245,00 €
Firefly Luciferase-Nuclear eGFP Lentivirus
Firefly Luciferase-Nuclear eGFP Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82335

The Firefly Luciferase-Nuclear eGFP Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These particles contain firefly luciferase and nuclear eGFP (Luc2-P2A-nuclear eGFP)...
Schlagworte: Luciferase, Luciferin 4-monooxygenase,
Anwendung: Subcellular/nuclear labelling, firefly luciferase, nucl. eGFP express. cell pool/stable cell line gen
1.675,00 €
NFqB Luciferase-eGFP Reporter Lentivirus
NFqB Luciferase-eGFP Reporter Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82336

The NF?B Luciferase-eGFP Reporter Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles that are ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and nondividing cells. The particles contain a firefly luciferase and eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent...
Schlagworte: RELA, NFKB3, Transcription factor p65, Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p65 subunit, Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide...
Anwendung: NFkappaB signal. pathway modul. screening, NFkB luciferase-eGFP reporter cell pool/stable cell line
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.817,00 €
CHD17 Lentivirus
CHD17 Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82346

The CDH17 Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These viruses transduce cells with human CDH17 (cadherin 17) (NM_004063.4) driven by a CMV promoter. The lentiviruses...
Schlagworte: CDH17, Cadherin-17, LI-cadherin, Liver-intestine cadherin, Intestinal peptide-associated transporter HPT-1,
Anwendung: CDH17 expression, CHD17-expressing cell pool/stable cell line generation following puromycin select.
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.389,00 €
PTK7 Lentivirus
PTK7 Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-82347

The PTK7 Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G pseudotyped lentiviral particles ready to transduce almost all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These viruses transduce cells with human PTK7 (Protein Tyrosine Kinase 7) (NM_002821.5) driven by a CMV promoter. The...
Schlagworte: PTK7, CCK4, CCK-4, Colon carcinoma kinase 4, Protein-tyrosine kinase 7, Tyrosine-protein kinase-like 7, Pseudo tyrosine...
Anwendung: PTK7 expression, PTK7-expressing cell pool/stable cell line generation following puromycin select.
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.389,00 €
PRAME-Specific TCR Lentivirus
PRAME-Specific TCR Lentivirus

Artikelnummer: BPS-78959-1

PRAME-Specific TCR Lentivirus are replication incompetent, HIV-based, VSV-G-pseudotyped lentiviral particles ready to transduce nearly all types of mammalian cells, including primary and non-dividing cells. These viruses transduce cells with a TCR (T cell receptor) that specifically recognizes the human antigen...
Schlagworte: OIP-4, Opa-interacting protein 4, Preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma, Melanoma antigen preferentially expressed...
Anwendung: Positive control, experimental optimization, cell pool/stable cell line generation, puromycin select.
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 1.675,00 €
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