Zellen und Zelllinien

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien ermöglichen das selektive Züchten monoklonaler Kolonien von Zellen. Aus diesen Kolonien können z.B. kompetente Zellen für Transformationen gewonnen werden. Bei der Anzucht tierischer Zellen in Wachstumsmedien wird zwischen ex vivo-Kulturen und immortalisierten Zelllinien unterschieden. Ex vivo-Kulturen werden direkt aus Blut oder Organen generiert und besitzen eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. Immortalisierte Zelllinien wie HeLa oder HEK 293T hingegen sind aus Tumorzellen abgeleitet und verfügen über Mutationen, dank derer sie dauerhaft proliferieren können.

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien... mehr erfahren »
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Zellen und Zelllinien

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien ermöglichen das selektive Züchten monoklonaler Kolonien von Zellen. Aus diesen Kolonien können z.B. kompetente Zellen für Transformationen gewonnen werden. Bei der Anzucht tierischer Zellen in Wachstumsmedien wird zwischen ex vivo-Kulturen und immortalisierten Zelllinien unterschieden. Ex vivo-Kulturen werden direkt aus Blut oder Organen generiert und besitzen eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. Immortalisierte Zelllinien wie HeLa oder HEK 293T hingegen sind aus Tumorzellen abgeleitet und verfügen über Mutationen, dank derer sie dauerhaft proliferieren können.

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MEXi-293E cells
MEXi-293E cells

Artikelnummer: IBA-2-6001-001

MEXi-293E cells are human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells derived from the 293 cell line and used for propagation of plasmids and expression of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells. The cell line expresses the EBNA-1 protein for episomal replication of oriP-harboring plasmids (pDSG-IBA vectors), is adapted for...
Anwendung: HEK293 cell line for transient expression of recombinant proteins
498,00 €
WM3211 Viable Cells
WM3211 Viable Cells

Artikelnummer: WM3211-01-0001

Cells are sterile, validated by short tandem repeat profiling, and are tested as negative for mycoplasma. It is recommended that cell lines are tested for mycoplasma contamination and short tandem repeat (STR) profiling every 10 passages or each time a frozen seed stock is made. See cell culture protocol for...
Anwendung: Genetic studies, xenograft production, drug testing, drug target discovery
Wirt: Human
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 1.568,00 €
BirA-transformed Competent E. coli cells
BirA-transformed Competent E. coli cells

Artikelnummer: BPS-27462

BirA-transformed Competent E. coli cells are supplied as 10 x 100 µl vials. Strain BL21, a chemically competent E. coli B strain, contains an IPTG-inducible BirA expression plasmid and constitutively-expressed streptomycin/spectinomycin resistance gene. These cells are compatible with most cloning vectors and are...
Schlagworte: bioR, b3973, Biotin--protein ligase, Biotin operon repressor, Bifunctional ligase/repressor BirA,...
Anwendung: Biotin labelling of recombinant proteins
723,00 €
NF-kappaB Luciferase Reporter Jurkat Cell Line
NF-kappaB Luciferase Reporter Jurkat Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-60651

NF-kappaB luciferase reporter construct is stably integrated into the genome of Jurkat T- cells. The firefly luciferase gene is controlled by 4 copies of NF-kB response element located upstream of the TATA promoter. Following activation by stimulants, endogenous NF-kappaB transcription factors bind to the DNA...
Schlagworte: NF-kappaB cell line, NFkappaB cell line, luciferase reporter, NF-kB cell line, NFkB cell line,
Anwendung: NF-kappaB signaling monitoring
3.329,00 €
Firefly Luciferase Molm13 Cell Line
Firefly Luciferase Molm13 Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-78372

Recombinant Molm13 cells constitutively expressing the firefly (Photinus pyralis) luciferase reporter gene under the control of a CMV promoter.
Schlagworte: Luciferase, Luciferin 4-monooxygenase,
Anwendung: CAR-T / NK co-culture killing assay internal control, bioluminescence Imaging
5.450,00 €
LAIR1 CHO Cell Line
LAIR1 CHO Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-78913

LAIR1 CHO Cell Line is a clonal CHO cell line stably expressing full-length human LAIR1 (leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1) (NM_002287.6). Surface expression of LAIR1 was confirmed by flow cytometry. This stable clonal cell line was selected for high levels of LAIR1 expression compared to the...
Schlagworte: LAIR1, CD305, hLAIR1, LAIR-1, Leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1,
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
6.020,00 €
VSIG4 CHO Cell Line
VSIG4 CHO Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-78914

VSIG4 CHO Cell Line is a clonal CHO cell line stably expressing full-length human VSIG4 (V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4) (NM_007268.3). Surface expression of VSIG4 was confirmed by flow cytometry. This stable clonal cell line was selected for high levels of VSIG4 expression compared to the parental...
Schlagworte: CRIg, VSIG4, Protein Z39Ig, V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing protein 4,
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
6.020,00 €
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (High Expression)
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (High Expression)

Artikelnummer: BPS-78915-H

NKp46 CHO Cell Line is a clonal CHO cell line stably expressing full-length human NKp46 (Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1) (NM_004829). Surface expression of NKp46 was confirmed by flow cytometry. Stable clonal cell lines were selected for different levels of NKp46 expression (low, medium, and high)...
Schlagworte: NCR1, LY94, CD335, NKp46, NK-p46, hNKp46, NK cell-activating receptor, Lymphocyte antigen 94 homolog, Natural killer cell...
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.207,00 €
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (Low Expression)
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (Low Expression)

Artikelnummer: BPS-78915-L

NKp46 CHO Cell Line is a clonal CHO cell line stably expressing full-length human NKp46 (Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1) (NM_004829). Surface expression of NKp46 was confirmed by flow cytometry. Stable clonal cell lines were selected for different levels of NKp46 expression (low, medium, and high)...
Schlagworte: NCR1, LY94, CD335, NKp46, NK-p46, hNKp46, NK cell-activating receptor, Lymphocyte antigen 94 homolog, Natural killer cell...
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.207,00 €
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (Medium Expression)
NKp46 CHO Cell Line (Medium Expression)

Artikelnummer: BPS-78915-M

NKp46 CHO Cell Line is a clonal CHO cell line stably expressing full-length human NKp46 (Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1) (NM_004829). Surface expression of NKp46 was confirmed by flow cytometry. Stable clonal cell lines were selected for different levels of NKp46 expression (low, medium, and high)...
Schlagworte: NCR1, LY94, CD335, NKp46, NK-p46, hNKp46, NK cell-activating receptor, Lymphocyte antigen 94 homolog, Natural killer cell...
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.207,00 €
ZsGreen/Luciferase Safe-Harbor HEK293 Cell Line
ZsGreen/Luciferase Safe-Harbor HEK293 Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-82091

Recombinant stable HEK293 cell line constitutively expressing ZsGreen (bright green fluorescent protein derived from Zoanthus sp. reef coral) and firefly luciferase, which have been stably integrated into the AAVS1 safe harbor locus on chromosome 19 using CRISPR/Cas9. Expression of ZsGreen and the luciferase...
Schlagworte: Luciferase, Luciferin 4-monooxygenase,
Anwendung: Cell-based assay control, base cell line model for further genetic modifications of interest
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
2.239,00 €
Claudin-1 CHO Cell Line
Claudin-1 CHO Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-82097

CHO cell line stably expressing human Claudin-1 (NM_021101.5). Surface expression of Claudin-1 was confirmed by flow cytometry. The stable clonal cell line was selected for its high levels of Claudin-1 expression compared to the parental CHO-K1 cell line.
Schlagworte: CLD1, CLDN1, Claudin-1, Senescence-associated epithelial membrane protein,
Anwendung: Antibody screening/validation, drug discovery, binding assays, ligand screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
9.308,00 €
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