Referenzstandards und forensische Substanzen

Häufig wird die Bedeutung von Referenzstandards bei der Durchführung quantitativer Assays übersehen. Ein gut charakterisierter Referenzstandard in Kombination mit einer robusten Methodik liefert genaue und präzise analytische Ergebnisse. In unserem Portfolio haben wir zahlreiche, qualitativ hochwertige Standards für Ihre Untersuchungen. Dazu zählen gebrauchsfertige, quantitative MaxSpec™-Standards sowie stabile, Isotop-markierte (deuterierte) Verbindungen. Außerdem bieten wir Ihnen auch die von Cayman Chemical synthetisierten forensischen Analysestandards und (zertifizierten) Referenzmaterialien an, darunter synthetische Cannabinoide, Cathinone, Phenethylamine, Amphetamine, Indane, Opioide, Benzodiazepine, Tryptamine und Phytocannabinoide. Aufgrund der strengen Regularien für diese Substanzen bitten wir Sie, dass Sie sich für weitere Informationen per E-Mail oder über unser Kontaktformular an uns wenden. 

Häufig wird die Bedeutung von Referenzstandards bei der Durchführung quantitativer Assays übersehen. Ein gut charakterisierter Referenzstandard in Kombination mit einer robusten Methodik liefert... mehr erfahren »
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Referenzstandards und forensische Substanzen

Häufig wird die Bedeutung von Referenzstandards bei der Durchführung quantitativer Assays übersehen. Ein gut charakterisierter Referenzstandard in Kombination mit einer robusten Methodik liefert genaue und präzise analytische Ergebnisse. In unserem Portfolio haben wir zahlreiche, qualitativ hochwertige Standards für Ihre Untersuchungen. Dazu zählen gebrauchsfertige, quantitative MaxSpec™-Standards sowie stabile, Isotop-markierte (deuterierte) Verbindungen. Außerdem bieten wir Ihnen auch die von Cayman Chemical synthetisierten forensischen Analysestandards und (zertifizierten) Referenzmaterialien an, darunter synthetische Cannabinoide, Cathinone, Phenethylamine, Amphetamine, Indane, Opioide, Benzodiazepine, Tryptamine und Phytocannabinoide. Aufgrund der strengen Regularien für diese Substanzen bitten wir Sie, dass Sie sich für weitere Informationen per E-Mail oder über unser Kontaktformular an uns wenden. 

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3-Methoxymethamphetamine (hydrochloride)
3-Methoxymethamphetamine (hydrochloride)

Artikelnummer: Cay24011-1

3-Methoxymethamphetamine (hydrochloride) (Cay-24011) is an analytical reference standard categorized as an amphetamine. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name: 3-methoxy-N,alpha-dimethyl-benzeneethanamine, monohydrochloride. CAS Number: 79896-22-3. Molecular Formula: C11H17NO ....
Schlagworte: m-Methoxymethamphetamine, m-methoxy-N,alpha-dimethyl-Benzeneethanamine, meta-Methoxymethamphetamine,...
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, amphetamine
CAS 79896-22-3
MW: 215.7 D
ab 109,00 €
para-bromo Methylaminorex
para-bromo Methylaminorex

Artikelnummer: Cay32835-1

para-bromo Methylaminorex (Cay-32835) is an analytical reference standard that is structurally similar to known stimulants. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name: 5-(4-bromophenyl)-4-methyl-4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-amine. Molecular Formula: C10H11BrN2O. Formula Weight: 255.1. Purity:...
Schlagworte: p-bromo MAR, p-bromo Methylaminorex, para-bromo MAR, para-bromo MAX, 4'-bromo MAR, 4'-bromo MAX, 4'-bromo Methylaminorex,...
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, structurally similar to known stimulants
MW: 255.1 D
ab 106,00 €
Norfluoxetine (oxalate) (CRM)
Norfluoxetine (oxalate) (CRM)

Artikelnummer: Cay35884-1

Norfluoxetine (oxalate) (CRM) (Cay-35884) is a certified reference material categorized as an antidepressant metabolite. Norfluoxetine is an active metabolite of fluoxetine (Cay-32720, Cay-14418). This product is intended for analytical forensic applications. This product is also available as a general research tool...
Schlagworte: Desmethylfluoxetine, gamma-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-benzenepropanamine, monoethanedioate
Anwendung: Certified reference material, antidepressant metabolite
CAS 107674-50-0
MW: 385.3 D
64,00 €
Pridinol (hydrochloride)
Pridinol (hydrochloride)

Artikelnummer: Cay36056-1

Pridinol (hydrochloride) (Cay-36056) is an analytical reference standard categorized as a muscle relaxant. Formulations containing pridinol have been used in the treatment of muscle spasms and muscle pain. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name:...
Schlagworte: alpha,alpha-diphenyl-1-piperidinepropanol, monohydrochloride
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, muscle relaxant, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist
CAS 968-58-1
MW: 331.9 D
ab 106,00 €
Delta8-THCH Acetate
Delta8-THCH Acetate

Artikelnummer: Cay37964-1

Delta8-THCH acetate (Cay-37964) is an analytical reference standard that is structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids. Delta8-THCH acetate is regulated as a Schedule I compound in the United States. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name:...
Schlagworte: 4'-hexyl-Delta1(6)-Tetrahydrocannabinol Acetate, n-hexyl-Delta8-Tetrahydrocannabinol Acetate, n-hexyl-Delta8-THC Acetate,...
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids
MW: 370.5 D
ab 252,00 €
Delta9-THCH Acetate
Delta9-THCH Acetate

Artikelnummer: Cay37965-1

Delta9-THCH acetate (Cay-37965) is an analytical reference standard that is structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids. Delta9-THCH acetate is regulated as a Schedule I compound in the United States. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name:...
Schlagworte: Tetrahydrocannabinol-C6 Acetate, THC-C6 Acetate, Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabihexol Acetate,...
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids
MW: 370.5 D
ab 252,00 €

Artikelnummer: Cay39007-1

6-ECDCA-d4 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of 6-ECDCA (Cay-11031) by GC- or LC-MS. 6-ECDCA is a synthetic bile acid that acts as a potent and selective agonist of the farnesoid X receptor (FXR, EC50 = 99 nM). Through FXR, it alters gene expression that results in protection against...
Schlagworte: 6alpha-ethyl Chenodeoxycholic Acid-d4, Obeticholic Acid-d4,...
Anwendung: GC-MS, LC-MS internal standard, quantification, FXR agonist
CAS 2025364-15-0
MW: 424.7 D
ab 61,00 €
Myristic Acid-d7
Myristic Acid-d7

Artikelnummer: Cay39859-1

Myristic acid-d7 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of myristic acid (Cay-13351) by GC- or LC-MS. Myristic acid is a 14-carbon saturated fatty acid. It is incorporated into myristoyl coenzyme A (myristoyl-CoA) and transferred by N-myristoyltransferase to the N-terminal glycine of...
Schlagworte: C14:0-d7, FA 14:0-d7, Tetradecanoic Acid-d7, tetradecanoic-12,12,13,13,14,14,14-d7 acid
Anwendung: GC-MS, LC-MS internal standard, quantification, 14-carbon saturated fatty acid
MW: 235.4 D
34,00 €

Artikelnummer: Cay39946-1

MDMB-PICA-d9 (Cay-39946) is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of MDMB-PICA (Cay-39729) by GC- or LC-MS. MDMB-PICA is categorized as a synthetic cannabinoid. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name:...
Schlagworte: 3-methyl-N-[(1-pentyl-2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5-d9-1H-indol-3-yl)carbonyl]-L-valine, methyl ester
Anwendung: GC-MS, LC-MS internal standard, quantification
MW: 367.5 D
ab 200,00 €
Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 1 (CRM)
Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 1 (CRM)

Artikelnummer: Cay40526-1

Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 1 (CRM) (Cay-40526) is a certified reference material mixture containing terpenes found in Cannabis. The mixture contains alpha-pinene, (+)-fenchone, camphor, geraniol, and (-)-guaiol, among others. The mixture is supplied in an amber ampule in which the headspace has been purged with...
Anwendung: Method development, 1:1 isopropanol:toluene solution
440,00 €
Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 2 (CRM)
Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 2 (CRM)

Artikelnummer: Cay40527-1

Cannabis Terpenes Mixture 2 (CRM) (Cay-40527) is a certified reference material mixture containing terpenes found in Cannabis. The mixture contains camphene, ocimene, sabinene hydrate, and geranyl acetate among others. The mixture is supplied in an amber ampule in which the headspace has been purged with argon. It...
Anwendung: Method development, 1:1 isopropanol:toluene solution
440,00 €
Delta8-THCB Acetate
Delta8-THCB Acetate

Artikelnummer: Cay40721-1

Delta8-THCB acetate (Cay-40721) is an analytical reference standard that is structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids. Delta8-THCB acetate is regulated as a Schedule I compound in the United States. This product is intended for research and forensic applications.Formal Name:...
Schlagworte: nor-THC Acetate, THCB Acetate, Delta8-Tetrahydrocannabinol-C4 Acetate, Delta8-Tetrahydrocannabutol Acetate, Delta8-THC...
Anwendung: Analytical reference standard, structurally similar to known phytocannabinoids
MW: 342.5 D
ab 246,00 €
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