
Molekül-Bibliotheken (screening libraries) beinhalten eine große Anzahl verschiedener (natürlicher) chemischer Verbindungen und werden z.B. zur Entwicklung neuer Medikamente genutzt. Die Kombination aus diesen Bibliotheken mit einem Hochdurchsatz-Screening-Verfahren erlaubt Forschenden, die Effekte einer breiten Palette kleiner Moleküle auf ein bestimmtes Ziel (z.B. Rezeptoren, Enzyme oder Ionenkanäle) oder auf ein biologisches System schnell und kosteneffizient zu analysieren. Dieser Ansatz wird primär zur Entdeckung chemischer Leitstrukturen oder biologisch aktiver Moleküle verwendet, die gegen das gewählte Ziel gerichtet sind. Darüber hinaus wird diese Methode zur Evaluierung von Effektormolekülen und für Rezeptor-Agonist-Arrays verwendet. Hier finden Sie eine Sammlung gebrauchsfertiger Molekül-Bibliotheken für die Verwendung mit Zellen und die Entdeckung aktiver Substanzen - die richtigen Werkzeuge zur Medikamenten-Entdeckung im Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren und für die Substanzanalyse.

Molekül-Bibliotheken ( screening libraries ) beinhalten eine große Anzahl verschiedener (natürlicher) chemischer Verbindungen und werden z.B. zur Entwicklung neuer Medikamente genutzt. Die... mehr erfahren »
Fenster schließen

Molekül-Bibliotheken (screening libraries) beinhalten eine große Anzahl verschiedener (natürlicher) chemischer Verbindungen und werden z.B. zur Entwicklung neuer Medikamente genutzt. Die Kombination aus diesen Bibliotheken mit einem Hochdurchsatz-Screening-Verfahren erlaubt Forschenden, die Effekte einer breiten Palette kleiner Moleküle auf ein bestimmtes Ziel (z.B. Rezeptoren, Enzyme oder Ionenkanäle) oder auf ein biologisches System schnell und kosteneffizient zu analysieren. Dieser Ansatz wird primär zur Entdeckung chemischer Leitstrukturen oder biologisch aktiver Moleküle verwendet, die gegen das gewählte Ziel gerichtet sind. Darüber hinaus wird diese Methode zur Evaluierung von Effektormolekülen und für Rezeptor-Agonist-Arrays verwendet. Hier finden Sie eine Sammlung gebrauchsfertiger Molekül-Bibliotheken für die Verwendung mit Zellen und die Entdeckung aktiver Substanzen - die richtigen Werkzeuge zur Medikamenten-Entdeckung im Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren und für die Substanzanalyse.

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Prostaglandin Screening Library I (96-Well)
Prostaglandin Screening Library I (96-Well)

Artikelnummer: Cay10501-50

The Prostaglandin Screening Library I contains more than 70 "F-series" of prostaglandins and isoprostanes in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 2 mM stocks in DMSO. Stability data is not available for individual compounds as supplied in the screening library. Panels are routinely re-evaluated to include new...
Schlagworte: Prostaglandin Compound Screening Library 1
Anwendung: High-Throughput Screening
2.019,00 €
Prostaglandin Screening Library III (96-Well)
Prostaglandin Screening Library III (96-Well)

Artikelnummer: Cay10503-50

The Prostaglandin Screening Library III contains more than 70 "A and J-series" of prostaglandins in a 96-well Matrix tube rack format as 2 mM stocks in DMSO. The library may also include thromboxanes, lactones, stable PGH, prostacyclin mimic, metabolites, and potent PGA and PGJ analogs. Stability data is not...
Schlagworte: Prostaglandin Compound Screening Library 3
Anwendung: High-Throughput Screening
1.568,00 €
Bio-Active Lipid II Screening Library (96-Well)
Bio-Active Lipid II Screening Library (96-Well)

Artikelnummer: Cay10507-50

The Bio-Active Lipid II Screening Library consists of 3 plates and contains more than 190 compounds in a 96-well Matrix tube rack format as 0.1 mM stocks in DMSO. The library may include prostaglandins, isoprostanes, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, lipoxins and several other complex polyunsaturated fatty acids. This...
Anwendung: High-Throughput Screening
3.813,00 €
Terpene Screening Library
Terpene Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay9003370-50

The Terpene Screening Library contains approximately 95 terpenes in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. The library contains a diverse group of natural products with assorted biological activities and structural variety ranging from simple monocyclic compounds, such as...
Anwendung: HTS
4.787,00 €
Immuno-Oncology Screening Library
Immuno-Oncology Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay28760-50

The Immuno-Oncology Screening Library consists of 2 plates and contains more than 90 cancer and immunology-associated compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes a variety of immuno-oncology target modulators, including but not limited to, adenosine,...
Anwendung: HTS
2.433,00 €
Comprehensive Kinase Screening Library
Comprehensive Kinase Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay28940-50

The Comprehensive Kinase Screening Library consists of 11 plates and contains more than 850 selective and non-selective kinase inhibitors in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This comprehensive library includes inhibitors of a wide range of lipid, receptor and non-receptor...
Anwendung: HTS, Kinase inhibitor screening
9.328,00 €
COVID-19 Forschung
Antiviral Screening Library
Antiviral Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay30390-50

The Antiviral Screening Library consists of 6 plates and contains more than 410 antiviral-associated compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes a variety of compounds with antiviral activity against HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV),...
Anwendung: HTS, drug discovery
6.943,00 €
Anti-Inflammatory Screening Library
Anti-Inflammatory Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay31530-50

The Anti-Inflammatory Screening Library consists of 3 plates and contains approximately 235 anti-inflammatory and related compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes inhibitors of pro-inflammatory cytokine production, macrophage and T cell activation,...
Anwendung: HTS, drug discovery, small molecule screening
5.274,00 €
Cell Death Screening Library
Cell Death Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay35093-50

The Cell Death Screening Library consists of two plates and contains approximately 152 compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 2 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes inducers and inhibitors of apoptosis, autophagy-dependent cell death, entotic cell death, ferroptosis, necroptosis, NETosis,...
Anwendung: Cell death pathway screening, HTS
3.477,00 €
Pesticide Screening Library
Pesticide Screening Library

Artikelnummer: Cay36390-50

The Pesticide Screening Library consists of three plates and contains approximately 174 pesticide-associated compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and acaricides, as well as some metabolites of these compounds....
Anwendung: Pesticide & related compound screening
3.379,00 €
Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library (96-Well)
Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library (96-Well)

Artikelnummer: Cay10506-50

The Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library consists of 11 plates and contains more than 800 compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 1.0 mM stocks in DMSO. The library may include prostaglandins, thromboxanes , cannabinoids, D-myo-inositol-phosphates, phosphatidylinositol-phosphates, sphingolipids,...
Anwendung: HTS
11.273,00 €
Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library (96-Well)
Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library (96-Well)

Artikelnummer: Cay10506-25

The Bio-Active Lipid I Screening Library consists of 11 plates and contains more than 800 compounds in a 96-well Matrix(TM) tube rack format as 1.0 mM stocks in DMSO. The library may include prostaglandins, thromboxanes , cannabinoids, D-myo-inositol-phosphates, phosphatidylinositol-phosphates, sphingolipids,...
Anwendung: HTS
6.262,00 €
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