Zellen und Zelllinien

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien ermöglichen das selektive Züchten monoklonaler Kolonien von Zellen. Aus diesen Kolonien können z.B. kompetente Zellen für Transformationen gewonnen werden. Bei der Anzucht tierischer Zellen in Wachstumsmedien wird zwischen ex vivo-Kulturen und immortalisierten Zelllinien unterschieden. Ex vivo-Kulturen werden direkt aus Blut oder Organen generiert und besitzen eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. Immortalisierte Zelllinien wie HeLa oder HEK 293T hingegen sind aus Tumorzellen abgeleitet und verfügen über Mutationen, dank derer sie dauerhaft proliferieren können.

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien... mehr erfahren »
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Zellen und Zelllinien

Zu den bedeutendsten Entwicklungen der biologischen Forschung in den letzten 200 Jahren gehört die Einführung der Zellkultur. Mikrobenkulturen von Bakterien und Hefen in sterilen Medien ermöglichen das selektive Züchten monoklonaler Kolonien von Zellen. Aus diesen Kolonien können z.B. kompetente Zellen für Transformationen gewonnen werden. Bei der Anzucht tierischer Zellen in Wachstumsmedien wird zwischen ex vivo-Kulturen und immortalisierten Zelllinien unterschieden. Ex vivo-Kulturen werden direkt aus Blut oder Organen generiert und besitzen eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. Immortalisierte Zelllinien wie HeLa oder HEK 293T hingegen sind aus Tumorzellen abgeleitet und verfügen über Mutationen, dank derer sie dauerhaft proliferieren können.

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NLRP3 Knockdown THP-1 Cell Pool
NLRP3 Knockdown THP-1 Cell Pool

Artikelnummer: BPS-82121

NLRP3 Knockdown THP-1 Cell Pool is a cell pool of THP-1 human monocytic cells. This cell pool was generated by using NLRP3 Human shRNA Lentivirus (BPS Bioscience #82122) to create a THP-1 cell pool with stable knockdown of NLRP3 (NLR family pyrin domain containing 3). THP-1 cells are the most commonly used model...
Schlagworte: CLR1.1, Cryopyrin, Caterpiller protein 1.1, PYRIN-containing APAF1-like protein 1, Angiotensin/vasopressin receptor...
Anwendung: NLRP3 knockdown effect on cellular function studies
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.817,00 €
eGFP/Firefly Luciferase Ramos (RA 1) Cell Line
eGFP/Firefly Luciferase Ramos (RA 1) Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-82149

eGFP/Firefly Luciferase Ramos (RA 1) Cell Line is a Ramos (RA 1) cell line expressing firefly luciferase and enhanced GFP (eGFP) driven by an EF1a promoter. The cells were generated by transduction with Firefly Luciferase-eGFP Lentivirus (BPS Bioscience #78741), which is a SIN (self-inactivating) lentivirus.
Schlagworte: Luciferase, Luciferin 4-monooxygenase,
Anwendung: CAR-T / NK co-culture killing assay target cells, In vitro/in vivo bioluminescence imaging
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.478,00 €
TCF/LEF reporter-HEK293 stable cell line, 1.5x10(6) cells
TCF/LEF reporter-HEK293 stable cell line, 1.5x10(6) cells

Artikelnummer: BPS-60501

TCF/LEF Reporter (Luc) HEK293 cell line contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of TCF/LEF responsive elements stably integrated into HEK293 cells, showing Wnt pathway-responsive. This cell line is validated for the response to the stimulation of mouse Wnt3a and to the treatment of the inhibitor of Wnt...
Schlagworte: WNT reporter, TCF cell line, LEF cell line, luciferase reporter,
Anwendung: Wnt pathway activation assays, TCF/LEF reporter assay
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.552,00 €
RARalpha Reporter Cell Line (2x10(6) cells)
RARalpha Reporter Cell Line (2x10(6) cells)

Artikelnummer: BPS-60503

2x10(6) cells. The RARalpha Reporter (Luc)-HEK293 Cell Line is designed for monitoring the activity of retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARalpha). The RARalpha Reporter (Luc)-HEK293 Cell Line contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of retinoic acid response elements stably integrated into HEK293 cells...
Schlagworte: RARA, NR1B1, RAR-alpha, Retinoic acid receptor alpha, Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1,
Anwendung: RARalpha reporter assays
Wirt: Human cells
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.193,00 €
NFAT Reporter (Luc) - Jurkat Cell Line
NFAT Reporter (Luc) - Jurkat Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-60621

The NFAT Reporter - Jurkat Cell Line contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of the NFAT response element stably integrated into Jurkat cells. This cell line has been validated for response to thapsigargin, ionomycin, and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). It is useful as a control cell line for...
Schlagworte: Nuclear factor of activated T cells, T cell,
Anwendung: Intracellular calcium level monitoring, activator / inhibitor / TCR agonist / antagonist screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.268,00 €
WM266-4 Viable Cells
WM266-4 Viable Cells

Artikelnummer: WM266-4-01-0001

Cells are sterile, validated by short tandem repeat profiling, and are tested as negative for mycoplasma. It is recommended that cell lines are tested for mycoplasma contamination and short tandem repeat (STR) profiling every 10 passages or each time a frozen seed stock is made. See cell culture protocol for...
Anwendung: Genetic studies, xenograft production, drug testing, drug target discovery
Wirt: Human
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 1.568,00 €
PD-1/NFAT Reporter - Jurkat Recombinant Cell Line
PD-1/NFAT Reporter - Jurkat Recombinant Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-60535

Recombinant Jurkat T cell expressing firefly luciferase gene under the control of NFAT response elements with constitutive expression of human PD-1 (GenBank Accession #NM_005018).
Schlagworte: Programmed cell death 1, PDCD1, PD-1, PD1, SLEB2, CD279, HPD-L, PD1/NFAT, PD-1 NFAT, PD-1/NFAT,
Anwendung: Activator / inhibitor screening, PD-1 biological activity characterization
Wirt: human cells
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
13.779,00 €
Hippo Pathway TEAD Reporter - MCF7 Cell Line
Hippo Pathway TEAD Reporter - MCF7 Cell Line

Artikelnummer: BPS-60618

The TEAD Reporter - MCF7 cell line contains the firefly luciferase gene under the control of TEAD responsive elements stably integrated into the human breast cancer cell line, MCF7. Inside the cells, basal unphosphorylated YAP/TAZ remains in the nucleus and induces the constitutive expression of luciferase reporter....
Schlagworte: Hippo, Hippo signalling pathway, Hippo signalling cascade, Salvador-Warts-Hippo signalling pathway, SWH signalling pathway,
Anwendung: Monitor Hippo pathway activity, activator / inhibitor screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
3.640,00 €
WM115 Viable Cells
WM115 Viable Cells

Artikelnummer: WM115-01-0001

Cells are sterile, validated by short tandem repeat profiling, and are tested as negative for mycoplasma. It is recommended that cell lines are tested for mycoplasma contamination and short tandem repeat (STR) profiling every 10 passages or each time a frozen seed stock is made. See cell culture protocol for...
Anwendung: Genetic studies, xenograft production, drug testing, drug target discovery
Wirt: Human
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 1.568,00 €
NF-kappaB reporter (Luc) - NIH/3T3 Cell line
NF-kappaB reporter (Luc) - NIH/3T3 Cell line

Artikelnummer: BPS-79469

The NF-kappaB reporter (Luc)-NIH/3T3 cell line is designed for monitoring nuclear factor Kappa B (NF-kappaB) signal transduction pathways. It contains a firefly luciferase gene driven by four copies of the NF-kappaB response element located upstream of the minimal TATA promoter. After activation by pro-inflammatory...
Schlagworte: RELA, NFKB3, Transcription factor p65, Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p65 subunit, Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide...
Anwendung: NF-kappaB signaling pathway activity monitoring & activator/inhibitor screening
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
2.726,00 €
WM3000 Viable Cells
WM3000 Viable Cells

Artikelnummer: WM3000-01-0001

Cells are sterile, validated by short tandem repeat profiling, and are tested as negative for mycoplasma. It is recommended that cell lines are tested for mycoplasma contamination and short tandem repeat (STR) profiling every 10 passages or each time a frozen seed stock is made. See cell culture protocol for...
Anwendung: Genetic studies, xenograft production, drug testing, drug target discovery
Wirt: Human
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
ab 1.568,00 €
SRE Reporter - HEK293 Cell Line (ERK Pathway), 1,5x 10(6) cells
SRE Reporter - HEK293 Cell Line (ERK Pathway), 1,5x 10(6)...

Artikelnummer: BPS-60406

The MAPK/ERK signaling pathway is a major participant in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. It can be activated by various extracellular stimuli including mitogens, growth factors, and cytokines. Upon stimulation, MEK1/2 phosphorylate and activate ERK1/2. The activated ERK translocates to the nucleus...
Schlagworte: SRE cell line, MAPK reporter, ERK reporter,
Anwendung: SRE reporter assays
Wirt: HEK293
3.552,00 €
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