Produkte von Ancell


Ancell mit Sitz in Bayport, Minnesota, USA, produziert und liefert monoklonale Antikörper, rekombinante Fusionsproteine, Isotyp-Kontrollen und Second-Step-Reagenzien für die immunologische Forschung. Die hohen Leistungsmerkmale und die Qualität machen die Antikörper und Proteine von Ancell zu weithin anerkannten Reagenzien, die in vielen wissenschaftlichen Publikationen verwendet und zitiert werden. Ancells umfangreiches Angebot an humanen CD-Antikörpern wird von seinem erfahrenen internen Entwicklungsteam hergestellt. Die Produkte werden unter optimierten Bedingungen gereinigt und konjugiert und in Zelllinien und humanen Proben rigoros getestet. Die meisten der Antikörper sind unterschiedlich markiert, um in verschiedenen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden zu können, darunter Durchflusszytometrie, Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenz. Ancell bietet auch eine breite Palette markierter und unmarkierter biologisch aktiver rekombinanter Fusionsproteine (FC) an, die die CD-Marker-Antikörperpalette ergänzen.

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Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3,  FITC conjugated
Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-102-040

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
447,00 €
Anti-CD64 (human), clone 10.1
Anti-CD64 (human), clone 10.1

Artikelnummer: ANC-216-020

Human CD64 is a high affinity receptor for monomeric human IgG1 and IgG3 which is expressed on macrophages, monocytes and gamma-interferon induced neutrophils. CD64 plays an important role in clearance of immune complexes and in antibody dependent cytoxicity.
Schlagworte: Anti-FcRI, Anti-CD64, Anti-FCG1, Anti-FCGR1A, Anti-FcgammaRIa, Anti-Fc-gamma RI, Anti-Fc-gamma RIA, Anti-IgG Fc receptor...
Anwendung: FC, WB
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, dog, monkey
256,00 €
Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1,  R-PE conjugated
Anti-TCR C beta 1 (human), clone Jovi-1, R-PE conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-101-050

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Schlagworte: Anti-TRBC1, Anti-T-cell receptor beta-1 chain C region
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
735,00 €
Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3,  R-PE conjugated
Anti-TCR V beta 3 (human), clone Jovi-3, R-PE conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-102-050

Human T cell receptor (TCR) is a T cell surface expressed heterodimer of alpha/beta or gamma/delta chains. TCR's recognize antigen peptides bound to MHC molecules forming the basis of antigen specific response by T cells.
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
576,00 €
Anti-CD81 (human), clone,  Biotin conjugated
Anti-CD81 (human), clone, Biotin conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-302-030

Human CD81 is a member of the tetraspan family of leukocyte cell surface molecules which are involved in signal transduction, cell-cell adhesion and cellular activation. Association of CD81 with integrins appears to be functionally important in the regulation of cell adhesion and activation. Recent work with...
Schlagworte: Anti-CD81, Anti-TAPA1, Anti-TSPAN28, Anti-Tspan-28, Anti-CD81 antigen, Anti-Tetraspanin-28, Anti-26 kDa cell surface...
Anwendung: FC, WB
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
383,00 €
Anti-CD134 [OX40] (human), clone BerAct35,  preservative free
Anti-CD134 [OX40] (human), clone BerAct35, preservative...

Artikelnummer: ANC-355-820

Human CD134 (OX40, ACT35) is an activation-associated antigen which is predominantly expressed on activated CD4 positive cells. CD134 antigen is a member of the TNF receptor family of molecules and may be involved with regulating T cell-dependent B cell proliferation and differentiation.
Schlagworte: Anti-CD134, Anti-TXGP1L, Anti-TNFRSF4, Anti-ACT35 antigen, Anti-OX40L receptor, Anti-Tumor necrosis factor receptor...
Anwendung: FC, ELISA, IHC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
301,00 €
Anti-CD8 (human), clone UCHT4,  FITC conjugated
Anti-CD8 (human), clone UCHT4, FITC conjugated

Artikelnummer: ANC-153-040

Human CD8 is a heterodimeric protein consisting of an alpha and beta chain, each about 33kDa. CD8 is expressed on most thymocytes and on about one third of peripheral blood T cells. CD8 is a co-receptor involved in antigen recognition and binds to the alpha2 and alpha3 domain of MHC Class I molecules.
Schlagworte: Anti-MAL, Anti-CD8a, Anti-CD8A, Anti-T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain, Anti-T-lymphocyte differentiation...
Anwendung: FC, ELISA, WB, ICC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
301,00 €
Anti-CD28 (human), clone ANC28.1/5D10,  preservative free
Anti-CD28 (human), clone ANC28.1/5D10, preservative free

Artikelnummer: ANC-177-820

Human CD28 is an important costimulatory molecule found on all CD4 T cells and on about half of the CD8 T cells. T cell activities attributed to CD28 include prevention of anergy, induction of cytokine gene transcription, stabilization of cytokine mRNA and activation of CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The ligands for...
Schlagworte: Anti-TP44, Anti-CD28, Anti-T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein CD28
Anwendung: FC, ELISA
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
351,00 €
Anti-CD147 (human), clone UM-8D6
Anti-CD147 (human), clone UM-8D6

Artikelnummer: ANC-376-020

Human CD147 (EMMPRIN) is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed more intensely on thymocytes than on mature peripheral blood T cells. Expression of CD147 in bronchial epithelial cells has been correlated with incidence of COPE.
Schlagworte: Anti-BSG, Anti-5F7, Anti-TCSF, Anti-CD147, Anti-Basigin, Anti-EMMPRIN, Anti-OK blood group antigen, Anti-Collagenase...
Anwendung: FC, IP, WB
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
256,00 €
CD152 [CTLA-4] -muIg Fusion Protein, (human), preservative free
CD152 [CTLA-4] -muIg Fusion Protein, (human),...

Artikelnummer: ANC-501-820

Human CD152 (CTLA-4) is a cell surface glycoprotein expressed at low levels on activated T cells. CD152 is a high affinity receptor for the costimulatory molecules CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 (B7-2) and appears to function as a negative regulator of T cell activation. This product is a soluble fusion protein combining the...
Schlagworte: CTLA4, CD152, CTLA-4, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4
Anwendung: FC, ELISA
Exprimiert in: Hamster cells
Ursprungsart: primates, mouse, porcine, cow, cat
MW: 110 kD
652,00 €
Anti-CD64 (human), clone 10.1 (F(ab')2)
Anti-CD64 (human), clone 10.1 (F(ab')2)

Artikelnummer: ANC-216-520

Human CD64 is a high affinity receptor for monomeric human IgG1 and IgG3 which is expressed on macrophages, monocytes and gamma-interferon induced neutrophils. CD64 plays an important role in clearance of immune complexes and in antibody dependent cytoxicity.
Schlagworte: Anti-FcRI, Anti-CD64, Anti-FCG1, Anti-FCGR1A, Anti-FcgammaRIa, Anti-Fc-gamma RI, Anti-Fc-gamma RIA, Anti-IgG Fc receptor...
Anwendung: FC, WB
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human, dog, monkey
1.816,00 €
Anti-CD32 (human), clone 7.3 (F(ab')2)
Anti-CD32 (human), clone 7.3 (F(ab')2)

Artikelnummer: ANC-181-520

Human CD32 exists in at least six isoforms originating from three different genes (Fc gamma RII A, B, and C). The CD32 molecule is a low affinity receptor for immune complexed IgG and has signal-transducing capabilities involved with humoral and cell-mediated immune responses.
Schlagworte: Anti-CD32, Anti-CDw32, Anti-FCGR2A, Anti-FcRII-a, Anti-Fc-gamma-RIIa, Anti-FCGR2B, Anti-FcRII-b, Anti-Fc-gamma-RIIb,...
Anwendung: FC
Wirt: Mouse
Spezies-Reaktivität: human
1.816,00 €
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